Luminated Career Consulting was founded by Derek Wong in 2013, and our mission is to inspire students to pursue their dream careers.

We create diverse teams of young professionals from first-class companies and top-notch student leaders to mentor students. We work closely with universities, career centers, non-profits, and student organizations to further our mission.


Our team of experienced consultants is here to help you apply for internships, full-time roles, and beyond. Whether you're looking for some help preparing for your next interview or want to chat about your career direction, we can help give the right advice at every stage.


Figuring out what you want to do is tough. Knowing what to do next can be even tougher. We can help with both. 


Interviews can be nerve-wracking. Build confidence and sharpen your skills to crack the toughest interviews.


Not sure what field to pursue? Have some questions about the working world or life after college? Reach out.


Applying for jobs is a challenging process. We can give advice on how to stay focused and positive.


First impressions matter. Learn industry tips on how to best showcase your work through your résumé, cover letter, and portfolio. 




Welcome to
All Students

We are open to all students - 
any school, major, or career interest

Expertise & Experience

Get relevant advice from young professionals with industry experience

Convenient & Casual

We are flexible and can meet you over coffee anytime & anywhere


Take a peek at what some students had to share about their experience with Luminated Career Consulting.

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I thought the meeting was definitely what I needed for my current stage. I've been struggling to figure out what kind of career or industry I want to pursue so having the meeting really helped to point me in the right direction and know what steps I need to take in order to figure it out.                                                                        
- Nella Kwan, University of Washington, Class of 2016



My experience was overall really positive. It was a great experience to sit down and talk with someone about what it was that I want, especially since I'm still trying to discover that myself. Any help on how to get ahead in the process was great. 
- Patrick Carney, University of Washington, Class of 2017



Fantastic! I wasn't quite sure what to expect from the meeting, but talking through career steps, strategies, and the thought exercise were what I needed. I am/was out of touch with the employment economy, so it was really great touching base about it and all the relating bits.
- Melanie Vartanian, University of Denver, Class of 2016


We combined efforts with many types of organizations to host workshops, speak at industry panels, and more to empower students to succeed. We are always open to new ideas and finding ways to work with other organizations.
